Looking for an Authorizer/Sponsor?apply below.
Looking for Sponsor Reauthorization/Renewal?
apply HERE
To view the renewal/reauthorization process click HERE

The Educational Resource Consultants of Ohio team is delighted to work with you as you move forward, offering your expertise, innovation, hard work and commitment to educating Ohio’s children!
The success of every venture depends on a strong strategic plan and effective ongoing execution. Our mission is to provide the best possible service and oversight to schools we sponsor with the ultimate mission of providing a strong foundation for students’ lives. Toward that end, we have patterned our application requirements and evaluation process after national standards and best practices that have produced outstanding outcomes.
ERCO is accepting applications at this time.
Please feel free to call us at 513-771-4006 for guidance in development of a start-up school.
ERCO is happy to provide information and assistance.